Printed from : The Leisure Media Co Ltd
Edel Grass Triple-T hockey pitch for Surbiton

A recent Edel Grass Triple T water-based system installation, by Bernard’s Sports Surfaces, has been hailed a success by members of Surbiton Hockey Club.

The old classic tufted pitch was replaced last year and after a few months of intensive playing the members of the club are delighted with the new surface.

"We’ve received compliments from the other hockey clubs, schools and universities that use our facilities and England Hockey representatives are also very impressed,” says the club’s honorary treasurer Keith Wallis.

The Triple-T System is a revolutionary water-based pitch for hockey. With more than a million monofilaments per square metre and a special sub base, the system delivers a perfect playing performance, which surpasses traditional nylon pitches. It’s available as water-based and sand-obscured system – both of which are FIH certified.

Edel Grass sales manager Friso van den Berg says: "We aim to deliver high-end products which lift the quality of sports to an even higher level. Our Triple-T System is one of these products and is gaining position in the international hockey market.”

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